Expansion for Wild Card in MLB Baseball

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MLB players association and Major League Baseball both the authorities are doing a hard job to move towards a deadline with the motto to enlarge the playoffs by adding two more Wild Card teams at all , that will create 1 game playoff for first round in each of the league, beginning with its new year postseason.

This new format has been set a bit late at the end of 2011 for the next year that is 2013 inception with an all new five year agreement between the union and the owners. Both the sides had been provided with a deadline of almost two months to negotiate with each other regarding the logistics so that it can be implied a year before than 2013.

However, a last Wednesday report says that the deal is almost at the point of completion but nothing has been said about it confirm. It so being informed by a highly confidential resource that negotiation between the two sides are still going on and few work are yet to be done for the plan to be in action from this year only.

The agreement suggest that the Wild Card will be expanded by adding two more extra teams, one each in both the National and American Baseball leagues. Three division winners of each league have to wait for the survivor of 1 game playoff of Wild Card., establishing the Series Filed of Division. However, other leaguer formats like League Championship Series, Subsequent DS and World Series will not be categorized under this new format and the format of these games will remain as it is.

However, a few issues have been noticed regarding the implementation of this new format in this season of MLB baseball league. The regular season of the league will come to an end very soon within the coming week and not more time is left as the agreement has not yet been finalized. The schedule for this year league has already been settled a far before than the new agenda has been decided.

MLB was trying to impose this new agenda of basketball from last two years and from then on it had been a hot topic of criticism within the 14 man special team of Commissioner Bud Selig that were working on the filed improvement issue of the MLB baseball league.

The executive of union Mr. Michael Weiner however said that it would not have been possible for the authorities to implement the new agenda without Astros' move towards AL.